
Dutch Idol Awesomeness

I don't... I can't...

I just don't know what to say.

Simply the Best.


  1. apparently it was Dutch Idol, but i personally believe it was the 3rd gate on the way to hell.

  2. poor tk! you are SO missing it.

  3. OK, I'm home (& 1/2 drunk) and I watched it.

    That... that can't be real. There's just no way.

    Oh God... is it real? Because it's either incredibly self-aware... or incredibly terrifying.

  4. oh, it's for real. I loved the people in the stadium, covering their ears and laughing! :)


  5. Why would anyone humiliate these poor people in this way? And why would they participate? Is it just so they could make hot coffee come out of my nose in the morning?

  6. I think it was voluntary. In fact, in keeping with the American Idol format, I believe they auditioned and were considered to be the best of the talents available.


  7. Hi..i'm from holland..these people wee not the best available :p hahaha
    This was in 2003 after the 1st idols seoson here. They were considered the best of the worst :p and funny. For some reason people like this are always invited for some dutch show ore ahatever because everybody wants to see them again. Especially the weirdo guy Herman with the glasses and VERy strange dance..people still talk about him when you mention idols. Or when we get a new season..people will say: I wonder if Herman will audition again? (he tried it twice :p)


Spit it, betch!