
Name the Only American Minority Group that Actually Constitutes the Majority of the Population!


LOVE me some Beyonce, but YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES ALLLLL over this. NineteenPercent: be my besty.

h/t Mary!


  1. Exactly. IndelibleGirly, don't get overly conformed by what this world's telling you you lose sight of Heaven Above: never mind what Fred Phelps sez, Heaven's where I'm going. Wanna come? Guhroovy. Meet me in the Great Beyond, miss gorgeous, and we'll have gobbbs of fun at my BIG-ol, WooHoo! party-hardy celebrating our resurrection for eons and eons. O! BTW! I'm gonna kiss your adorable feet the first chance I get, doll, because they have brought you this far (so be warned) +God - Bless - You+ I wish I could tell you I love you in person - all of Heaven's eternity isn't long enough to show you how much I love you. Lemme prove it to you when we arrive.


Spit it, betch!